Thursday, 8 May 2014

When one door closes, another one opens. There's probably a draft.

There are very few things worse than continual rejection. It is a process that slowly erodes your sense of self-worth; a crushing reminder that you are not quite as good as you think you are. Over the past couple of weeks I have been rejected from various internships, and all of them doubtless had students far more qualified and, most likely, already studying in the field of these internships. All the same, it's depressing; one of the few downsides of surrounding yourself with people smarter than you is that at this time of year you're reminded of it. One person I know has several internship interviews; another is off to one of the 100 best universities in the world; still another is interning with Weber-Shandwick. I am incredibly proud of all of these people and they deserve everything they've got and more besides.

Pictured: all the people who want to employ me
Still, more applications are awaiting replies - perhaps there will be some success there. And let us not forget that I have more than enough work to do at the moment, which was partly why I got up at 7am - I've proposals, speeches, scripts and an essay to write. (French erotic literature and the very dark humour within, if you were wondering).

The Times is also running a competition for an essay about the state of Higher Education post-independence referendum, and that sounds like an enormous amount of fun because it could focus on a new angle - so I shall be sitting and racking my brains for a while to try to figure out what hasn't already been covered by one side or the other. If this interests you, then you can find out more information here

I've booked travel home, so that I can see (almost) my entire family at least once this summer. With any luck, one of my London-based internship applications will come through and I shall get to see them more, but if it doesn't then at least I'll have this chance. I'm going with Virgin for the first time ever, and weirdly it's not actually with Virgin but Aer Lingus, but I've never flown with them either so regardless it will be a new experience.

In short: I hold two elected positions, one contested elected position on Monday, one voluntary job and one actual job AND I'm going home to see my amazing family and eat a quite frankly staggering amount of barbecued food in a fortnight, so life isn't actually too bad. Internships are overrated. After all, if all else fails I can always become a penniless writer. I'm halfway there already, after all.

So in conclusion:

Pictured: the things I have to worry about
As always thank you for reading. If you've enjoyed this blog please take this link and share it with all your friends. Beg, browbeat, bother them into sharing it with their friends, and help me get home to see my family and work with the amazing people at +Hill+Knowlton Strategies UK.

That's all for now. I'm off to write a little article about the USA trip. No rest for the wicked.

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